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TA2021 / Macy Chadwick and Casey Gardner

 Macy Chadwick and Casey Gardner

Chadwick {A}

Gardner (B)

“I stayed with play and improvisation as my process, but because Macy’s phase 1 contained cut and shaped pages, I responded with some in my books. I also thought of her use of trajectory lines and interaction of forms. Macy drew and colored into her pages, so I experimented with doing the same.

In all, I had an immense amount of fun just experimenting and trying to respond with what happened on the press while keeping Macy’s book in mind. This phantasmagoria of color, form & random layering was a flamboyant departure of my usual method of working, which is generally much more deliberative.” –CG

Gardner (A)

Chadwick (B)

“During the pandemic I had turned to collage to rediscover the pure aesthetic pleasure of working with arrangements of shape and color. I responded to Casey’s motion and gestures with a few simple collages.” –MC